

Ozimek, D., Bowers, H., Good, L., Kelch, B., & Valcourt, M. (2024). Building consensus on the essential quantitative competencies, skills, and practices for entry-level nurses. Submitted for publication.

Ozimek, D., Good, L., Leggieri, A., Morgante, B., Phillips, M., Watson, G., & Wilk, D. (2024). Exploring pre-licensure nursing students' perceptions & attitudes towards mathematics in a concept-based curriculum. Submitted for publication.

Fioravanti, R., Ozimek, D., Rodriguez, J., Zulkosky, K., Costea, D., Good, L., Crothers, J., & Dielmann, K. (2024). Bring your own device (BYOD) student experiences and policy considerations for nontraditional colleges. Accepted for publication.

Hopkins, M., Ozimek, D., & Sweet, T. M. (2016). Mathematics coaching and instructional reform: Individual- and collective change. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 46, 215-230 

Papers and Reports

Ozimek, D., Zoellner, J., & Kelch, B. (2021). Convening recommendations: Math and statistics education for nurses. The Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin. 


Ozimek, D., Ellis, M., Levy, R., Piercey, V., & Zoellner, J. (2020). Seeking community input on "Math for Nurses". MAA Focus, 40(1), 5.   

Contributor / Reviewer

Introductory Statistics: Analyzing Data with Purpose. (2021). The Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin.  

Hughes, K., & Zoellner, J. (2019). Emerging solutions in mathematics education for nursing. The Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin.